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I have learned as a part of the work that I do in serving my clients, that there are a number of individuals who struggle finding a therapist or a therapy approach that meets their needs. For these individuals, traditional forms of speech therapy (and other therapies) may fall short because they focus on a "skills" approach that they find difficult to access and apply during their everyday lives. Due to differences in their neurobiological wiring, the majority of these individuals have hidden strengths that they have had difficulty expressing, and challenges that that are expressed in the forms of feelings, behaviors, and "stories" that become the focus of their day-to-day experiences (both within themselves and with others). One of the core foundations of my practice is working with individuals and families to help them to establish “safety” in their nervous systems. Rather than trying to imply some arbitrary way of experiencing the world, I find that when an individual (and sometimes whole family) learns to feel safe, seen, soothed, and secure (often needing to learn this at a level below consciousness), then they will be available to make the gains in regulation, cognition, executive functioning, social skills, etc., that have eluded them. The goal then is to work with the neurobiological system in a way that brings choice, context and connection to each individual and brings the person to a place where they can stretch their abilities and savor their lives rather than moving into a place where stress and survival are the focus. (Please see my page Start Here for more information about the theoretical models that inform my practice.)